Weight Loss Update: I am not able to give an update since I haven't weighted in yet today. I have been staying around the same weight for the last week or so and although I started Insanity, I am having a hard time staying dedicated to it. I still think a program that intense is too much for me right now so I might do it from time to time, I am still going to work on trying to build myself up to being able to do it regularly.
I also found out in the past 24 hours that a member of my family has passed away. Becky was an amazing women who could light a room up with her smile. Although most of you don't know them, please say a prayer today for Sam, Luke & Bob, as they could really use them during this difficult time.
My blog today is going to be about student teaching. I have been placed in the Monticello School District and have almost been there for a week now. I can say with absolute certainty that teaching is my calling. I don't even feel like I am working when I am there, it feels like I am just having fun. The staff is amazing, the kids are hilarious and respectful for the most part, and although there is lots to learn, I can't wait to take over the classroom when we start Civil War next week. My cooperating teacher is amazing and has taught me so much in just 6 days and I can't wait to get back every morning to learn more. Many people have been really supportive and continue to ask me about it regularly and to be honest I love talking about it. Waking up early stinks, but when I get my caffeine IV hooked up and drink my black coffee every morning, I am ready to roll (after a breath mint of course). In future blogs I will post some of the funny things the kids say, but for privacy I will obviously have to keep names private. It is great to watch middle school boys try to flirt with girls and vice-versa. 7th grade drama is hilarious and I think by the end of my 8 weeks there I might be able to write a book about how many things these kids try.
The upcoming week is super busy. Thursday I am going to Benihana with my "future in-laws" and celebrating birthdays. Friday I will be at Broadway serving pizza if you want to come say hi. Saturday I am taking Cassidy out for her birthday because on her actually birthday (January 20th, don't forget) I have a teacher workshop. Sunday will be spent watching football like I've been doing every Sunday since September.
I am forever thankful for all the recent compliments I have been getting on my weight. I say it all the time but no one really knows how much it means to me. I still have work to do, but it makes it easier to say no to certain foods when I keep your compliments in the back of my head.
I hope you all have an amazing rest of your week. Remember that if you want something, go get it. If you don't like your job, quit. Do what you love, and love what you do. We all know how fast live goes, why not live it to the absolute fullest? I know that is what I am doing.