Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Weight Loss Update/My Bucket List

63 Days ago I started this crazy journey of weight loss. I was unhappy when I looked into the mirror and decided that I wanted to better myself. I got to Medifast today and a random girl who had seen me 9 weeks ago gave me a compliment, saying she wishes that I continue and that I look great. I don't even know this women's name but she already made my day and it isn't even noon yet. I was nervous to step on the scale this week. I was stranded at school last week and so my eating/drinking habits weren't as good as they have been over the course of 9 weeks. I hopped on the scale. The numbers went up and up and up..... Oh no I said out loud to the Medifast specialist, this isn't good. Then the numbers stabilized and then started moving back down to where I was used to them being. Finally it stops. "Whewwwwww, that was close," I say and the Medifast specialist laughed at me. I lost two more pounds this week. I didn't know if it was going to be possible with my circumstances this week but I made sure that I drank lots of water and ate healthy over the weekend because early in the week my diet choices weren't the best.

Total progress. 63 days, 40.2 pounds and counting.

I continue to ask for your support as we start moving to the new year. I am receiving more compliments day by day and I love it. Some people say they don't know if they should give people on a diet complements about how they look because they think it will send the wrong message. I can't speak for anyone else but for me the compliments keep me motivated and show that you notice and that you care enough about me to tell me that I look better than I did 63 days ago. Keep them coming :) Thank you for everyone who reads this. If you have someone who is struggling with weight loss feel free to send them the link to this blog. Ask them to contact me if they want general weight loss information or information on Medifast as well. Much like anything, people enjoy talking to others who are going through the same thing as them.

So what am I going to talk about today? I was looking back on my earlier blogs from last year and I wrote about my bucket list. I decided that today I am going to update my bucket list. As you will notice many of them will be sports related because well I'm obsessed. Some will be big, some will be small, and some may even seem impossible. If anyone can ever help me accomplish any of them I will have a special place in my heart for you. The following list is in no order at all. Number 30 is just as important as number 1. :)

1) Go Skydiving

2) Visit every state in the US

3) Get married (I already have my bride picked out, sorry ladies) :)

4) Get a teaching job

5) Have something I write get published in a newspaper

6) Raising kids the right away. This will be easy as I was raised with two amazing parents as role models

7) Attend a Super Bowl

8) Attend a Duke/North Carolina game at Cameron Indoor Stadium

9) Get my Master's degree

10) Coach my children's sports teams

11) Be able to travel to other countries just for fun

12) Catch a Walleye or some sort of trophy fish. (I have a fear of fish so this one is kinda odd)

13) Be "fit" enough to play with my kids in the yard as they grow up (Well on my way) :)

14) If I have a daughter....walk her down the aisle at her wedding

15) Go the Abbey Road and take a picture like the Beatles did

16) Go to TomorrowLand with Dom, Andrew, Tommy & Sam

17) Buy a brand new car

18) Buy a house for my future family

19) Earn some sort of recognition because of my career

20) Never stop learning (I would be a full time student if that was a career)

21) Write a book

22) Have a living room with 4 TV's so that I never have to miss a moment of the action during Saturday's and Sunday's

23) Attend all the weddings of my brothers

24) Graduate College at SJU (This one should probably have said first)

25) Own season tickets to the Twins or the Vikings for one season

26) Have a Harry Potter marathon and watch all 8 movies back-to-back (any takers?)

27) Leave a $100 tip for someone at a restaurant

28) Hit a Pick4 at Canterbury and have it pay out big

29) Fit into my jeans from high school (Kinda girly but important to me!)

30) When I leave this earth I want people to be proud to know me. My life already has tons of meaning and I want that to continue for the rest of my life. :)

Everyone have a good day :) Next week's blog will be about Christmas!