Hello Everyone!
It has been a long time since I blogged and I thought about stopping completely but then I decided that I wanted to keep going with it. As I write this not much has changed since I last blogged. I am now a Junior at SJU and am living in a townhouse with 4 other guys. It is really nice to have your own room even though cooking for yourself can get boring as not very enjoyable. I am home this weekend because it is my Grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary Party. I am overly excited to see my cousins and my family as we celebrate the love my Grandparents have for each other. The other big thing that happened over the summer was that I celebrated my 21st birthday. It is very nice to be able to enjoy a drink with friends and family when the oppertunity presents itself.
September begins the start of fall when everything seems to be just perfect. Friday nights are spent under the lights at high schools across the country. College and high school is starting and everyone starts to get in the swing of things. Fridays on college campus consists of hanging out with friends and avoiding cops. Saturday mornings are started with waking up at 10/11 and watching some college football on ESPN. During an away football Johnnie game we will probably be drinking water, while during a home game there might be a Mich Golden Btl or a screwdriver in our hands. Johnnie Football games consists of thousands of fans in red coming to cheer on their favorite team. Saturday nights always consists of more time with friends either playing Madden, NHL, or drinking games like beer pong or tippy cup. Waking up on Saturday morning usually leads to a long hot shower and 11 o clock pregame show on FOX. Fantasy football lineups are changing back and forth. Start him. Sit him. Take a chance on someone else. I am always wearing a jersey on Sunday along with a backwards hat to match. Usually there is a pizza in the oven and some chips and salsa around as well. Week 1 starts tomorrow and for millions of people, it can't get much better than that. I personally sit on my computer updating my live scoring (4 leagues this year... yikes) until about 6 oclock. That is when we start talking about getting homework done in the next hour and a half before the Sunday night game starts. The homework usually gets done at like 11 or 12 as no one attempts to do anything during the last game of the day (good thing there is MNF).
Besides sports the weather during the fall is perfect. a little breezy and sunny. Shorts and sweatshirt weather is best, I think we can all agree to that.
2:30 football games start in 10 minutes so I need to wrap this up. Johnnie/Tommie game is next weekend and so I hope to see all of you there! The weekend after that is Vegas so don't be surprised if I don't blog for a while. Everyone have a wonderful day!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Optimism In Your Life
Depression. Suicide. Death. Cancer. Addiction. Violence. Racism. Abuse. Neglect. Hunger.
The world is faced with millions of things that we might consider being terrible. Chances are is that you know someone or you are someone who has been affected by one of the words above. Life can get you down, and sometimes you wonder why God would put you in such a situation that you don't feel like you can handle. As you read this you might even be in one of those moods where you think things couldn't possibly get any worse. When I have times like that, the best thing to do is pray. I will be the first to say that I am not someone who pushes religion down your throat because I hate when people do that to me. But if you do believe in the Lord, praying is one of the best things that you can do to make yourself feel better. Another thing that you can do is look outside on a day like today. Currently 82 degrees and Sunny as I sit on the Broadway Patio and write this to all of you. What a great day to be alive, to be able to do what we want. Maybe you are inside working, maybe you are doing schoolwork, maybe you are outside enjoying this wonderful weather, but no matter how bad life gets you have to always look at the positives in life. I learned at a young age that you can't look at things with the glass half empty. How terrible I think it is that people have to be pessimistic. Corrie Thurman, my general manager at Broadway told me the other day that I was probably the most positive person that she knows. That was one of the best compliments because I try very hard to see the optimism in everything that I do. Sure there are days where everything goes wrong in my life, but you can't list the negatives, you have to continue to push through and see the positives. I guess living in the Rogers community has really helped me to continue this mindset because there have been so many examples of times when our whole community has mourned the loss of a member of the community. Too many times have most of us been at funerals for teenagers that never should have occurred. No matter how cliche I sound when I say this, God does have a plan for everyone. The end of February brought up the question of why? Why did this happen? Why did it have to be them? Why Rogers again? The answer is that we will never know. What I know is that no matter what, things happen for a reason and if you have a positive outlook on life you will live a much better life. Drake started the whole YOLO phrase, which is hilarious because most people use it as an excuse to be an idiot, but the truth is that you truly do only live once. You will never be the same age as you were yesterday, and you aren't getting any younger so why not live for the moments in life that make you most happy. Surround yourself with people that make you smile instead of ones that make you cry. Tell the people in your life that you love them, because as most of us know, you never know when our time is to go. We have learned this at a young age in the Rogers community with the passing of many of the students at too young of an age, but it is with those same tragedies that we can learn that not matter the situation, you gotta keep your head up, push through the storm, and know that the sun is going to shine brighter on you someday. We all have people in our lives that look at life with the glass half empty. Today tell those people how much you care about them. Tell them how lucky they are to be alive. Don't tell them goodbye but tell them as I always tell you, see you soon.
The world is faced with millions of things that we might consider being terrible. Chances are is that you know someone or you are someone who has been affected by one of the words above. Life can get you down, and sometimes you wonder why God would put you in such a situation that you don't feel like you can handle. As you read this you might even be in one of those moods where you think things couldn't possibly get any worse. When I have times like that, the best thing to do is pray. I will be the first to say that I am not someone who pushes religion down your throat because I hate when people do that to me. But if you do believe in the Lord, praying is one of the best things that you can do to make yourself feel better. Another thing that you can do is look outside on a day like today. Currently 82 degrees and Sunny as I sit on the Broadway Patio and write this to all of you. What a great day to be alive, to be able to do what we want. Maybe you are inside working, maybe you are doing schoolwork, maybe you are outside enjoying this wonderful weather, but no matter how bad life gets you have to always look at the positives in life. I learned at a young age that you can't look at things with the glass half empty. How terrible I think it is that people have to be pessimistic. Corrie Thurman, my general manager at Broadway told me the other day that I was probably the most positive person that she knows. That was one of the best compliments because I try very hard to see the optimism in everything that I do. Sure there are days where everything goes wrong in my life, but you can't list the negatives, you have to continue to push through and see the positives. I guess living in the Rogers community has really helped me to continue this mindset because there have been so many examples of times when our whole community has mourned the loss of a member of the community. Too many times have most of us been at funerals for teenagers that never should have occurred. No matter how cliche I sound when I say this, God does have a plan for everyone. The end of February brought up the question of why? Why did this happen? Why did it have to be them? Why Rogers again? The answer is that we will never know. What I know is that no matter what, things happen for a reason and if you have a positive outlook on life you will live a much better life. Drake started the whole YOLO phrase, which is hilarious because most people use it as an excuse to be an idiot, but the truth is that you truly do only live once. You will never be the same age as you were yesterday, and you aren't getting any younger so why not live for the moments in life that make you most happy. Surround yourself with people that make you smile instead of ones that make you cry. Tell the people in your life that you love them, because as most of us know, you never know when our time is to go. We have learned this at a young age in the Rogers community with the passing of many of the students at too young of an age, but it is with those same tragedies that we can learn that not matter the situation, you gotta keep your head up, push through the storm, and know that the sun is going to shine brighter on you someday. We all have people in our lives that look at life with the glass half empty. Today tell those people how much you care about them. Tell them how lucky they are to be alive. Don't tell them goodbye but tell them as I always tell you, see you soon.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Golfing, Tweeting, Summer 2012 Bucket List
It has been a while since I blogged and I know that I have already talked about Summer in previous blogs as well as bucket lists but there are certain things that I want to achieve this summer and would like to share them all with you. Currently we are on about hour 15 of rain and although I am weird and hate the rain/storms I find today peaceful and since my house is empty I thought this was the perfect time to blog. Yesterday in this weather I decided to try to get a round of golf in. Yes I golf by myself sometimes and although many people ask me why I go by myself, there is nothing more relaxing than being able to get out and play at your own pace. Not only that but I have time to be able to think about things. My twitter followers Tweet Tweet Tweet were probably annoyed because I kept tweeting while I was golfing. I shot a 91 which for me as just an average golfer was awesome. I didn't get any 7's or 8's which for me is almost impossible haha. Currently I am listening to Common Man on KFAN and he is chanting. I know about 5 of you will understand what I am talking about but I love when they chant "ARDEN HILLS ADREN HILLS" It always makes me laugh.
Alright here we go. Summer for me started on May 21st and there has been lots of things that I have already done that I have wanted to. Here are just a few more things that I want to get done before I leave for my Junior year at Saint John's University.
Alright here we go. Summer for me started on May 21st and there has been lots of things that I have already done that I have wanted to. Here are just a few more things that I want to get done before I leave for my Junior year at Saint John's University.
- Finish my 2 summer classes with A's
- Save lots of money
- Shoot Under an 85 at MCC (Monticello Country Club)
- Lose Weight (Already down 8 pounds in 2 weeks!)
- Go to Canterbury Park for a horse race and turn in a winning ticket
- Go to Fenway Park when I go out east this July/August
- Spend more time at my Cabin with the Family
- Buy a new pair of Oakley's or get a pair for my birthday (Hint Hint... Anyone?)
- Turn 21 and have a beer with my co-worker Jeff. I know this seems small but to me it's important
- Go tubing down the river at least one time
- Beat my Grandma in a game of scrabble while we sit poolside on a hot summer day.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Vikings Stadium/Voting Rights.
In two days I will complete another year at Saint John's University and will then be a junior with only two more years until I have to go into the real world. I sit here listening to Dan Barreiro on KFAN as they continue to update the Vikings Stadium and it has really opened my eyes to how clueless I am on politics. I knew that I didn't know much but some of the terms they use while they talk stadium talk just go over my head. Sometimes I wish that I knew more about politics but other times I am so glad that I do not care at all. Now before anyone gives me any crap, it does not mean that I won't be listening to "the issues" when it comes to presidental election and that I won't vote. I honestly think voting is one of the most important things that you can do as a United States citizen. It is a right that not many people get the oppertunity to do and I believe it is a honor to be a part of choosing who comes into office. My view on the Viking stadium is simple. It HAS to be passed, not only because I am a rube and love the Vikings, but also because it has many benefits to the people of Minnesota. More jobs is the biggest one that has be on board. Also on Sunday's people spend the whole day downtown celebrating before, during and after the game drinking, eating, and spending money that goes back into the economy. How can we say no to that? I am curious to see what happens this week with the whole stadium talk. Now that we PASSED the House, I am looking forward to see what the Senate has to offer.
I know this is really short but finals are calling my name. I hope once school is done I will be able to broaden my blogging horizon and do more with it. Have a good night everyone and like always see you soon.
I know this is really short but finals are calling my name. I hope once school is done I will be able to broaden my blogging horizon and do more with it. Have a good night everyone and like always see you soon.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Best Songs of All Time
Obviously, when you read a title like that, you might think that I am going to try to convince you that the songs that follow are the best and that I won't listen to your opinion if you think otherwise. That is the farthest thing away from the truth. On Itunes the other day I went through my list of songs (currently 6040) and tried to make a list of the 50 best songs of the 6000. But for me "best songs" doesn't refer to best quality or best on the charts or anything like that. To me "best songs" refer to the songs that you would never skip on shuffle if you were jamming on your ipod. The songs below are all picked for a specific reason and for each song I am going to try to give you the reason why I enjoy them so much. It could be that the song gives me the chills when I listen to it, or that there is a specific memory that comes to mind when a song comes on. It could be because it reminds me of someone who has passed away, or it could be just a song that has always been a favorite and that I wanted to share with you. I am going to say up front that many of these songs might surprise you, but don't judge me on my list, because I listen to everything and anything when it comes to music. Also I tried to stick with 50 songs but got to almost 100 so I will stop myself at 100 songs. If you want to check out "best albums" and some suggested albums to listen to, then check out my cousin Charlie's blog and he will give you reasons why the albums on his blog are worth listening to. Like always, thanks for reading and I appreciate any feedback that is given to me about the blog.
- Austin-Blake Shelton. Used to sing along with my mom when I was younger. Great lyrics!
- Travelin Solider-Dixie Chicks. Girly I know, but my whole family had this whole album and we used to jam to it when it came on!
- I'll Walk-Bucky Covington. Any song that gives me chills is meant for this list. This song gives me those chills every time I hear it.
- Holes In The Floor Of Heaven-Collin Raye. This whole album should be on this list but I picked this song because it reminds me of my Grandma Rewitzer who I lost when I was in 8th grade.
- Red Light-David Nail. Sometimes situations don't make sense but God gets you through them for the better. That's why I love this song.
- One More Day-Diamond Rio. Anyone who has lost someone should listen to this song. Even if it isn't someone that you were dating, it is still another song about loss.
- Springsteen-Eric Church. He could have many songs on this list, but this song is a new favorite. Reminds me of good ol times and new ones to come in the future!
- Beautiful Love-The Afters. Used to be the theme song of 8th and Ocean (If anyone remembers that show on MTV) but I like it because the lyrics are awesome.
- Boston-Augustana. This is the 1st CD I ever bought with my own money and Boston is my favorite CD. Any version of this song makes me sing along.
- Happiness is a Warm Gun-The Beatles. I don't know why I picked this song of all the Beatles songs because I like about every song they have, but this one always gets me going.
- Piano Man-Billy Joel. There isn't many people who don't like this song, but by far my favorite Joel song.
- She Talks To Angels-The Black Crowes. Reminds me of when I was younger and I started getting into 90's music like this. Also great lyrics.
- Where is the Love?-Black Eyed Peas. Best music video of all time, and besides that the lyrics are so true especially when we look at society sometimes.
- Total Eclipse of the Heart-Bonnie Tyler. Brings me right back to Mr. Johnson's class senior year where he played the literal version of this song and I was crying I was laughing so hard. Still watch it all the time!
- Just a Dream-Carrie Underwood- I don't know why war songs hit me so hard because it isn't relevant to my life in any way, but if is another song that gives me the chills.
- My Heart Will Go On-Celine Dion. Obviously the song from Titanic. Girlfriend's favorite movie and how can you not sing along when Celine goes into that high pitched voice. Seriously.
- The Chain of Love-Clint Black. The ultimate song of good karma. If you do good onto others, God will make sure that the favor is returned to you. I am the biggest believer in that.
- Violet Hill-Coldplay. Such a slow song, but favorite Coldplay song along with Yellow. This one has better lyrics though.
- Mr. Jones-Counting Crows. The beginning of this song is the best.
- Sandstorm-Darude. Play this song when you are driving and tell me you don't drive faster. Honestly it is the best techno song ever.
- Crash Into Me- Dave Matthews Band. Lyrics are awesome, 90's music is awesome, Dave Matthews is awesome.
- Breakfast at Tiffany's-Deep Blue Something. Jeff Barthel's favorite song. But besides that I have always loved this song about finding a common ground with someone you love.
- Lose Yourself-Eminem. I remember Tanner Barbeln and I played this song in my basement on repeat when my cousin was babysitting one night. I can rap this whole song without the music easily. Favorite rap song of all time.
- Wonderful-Everclear. ALL TIME FAVORITE song. Nothing else will top this song for me because of the lyrics and how much I used to listen to it when it showed up on one of my NOW CD's (Remember those?)
- 100 Years-Five for Fighting. Such a slow song but an overall look at life that is simple but wonderful.
- Best of You-Foo Fighters. The beginning of this song can easily be one of the greatest evers. Starts off screaming. Another great music video as well.
- The Thunder Rolls-Garth Brooks. Although many of you don't know there is an extended extra verse in this song which makes it awesome, (It was not allowed to be played on radio stations) this is a great country song from the 90's which easily makes this list.
- Name-Goo Goo Dolls. Enough said honestly. Such a great song.
- Time of Your Life-Green Day. I would say this is a break up song but I would also say it is a song for saying good bye to a friend as well. Great tune.
- You Make My Dreams Come True-Hall & Oates. All of their songs are catchy to me but this one is in "500 Days of Summer" right after he has sex with Summer for the first time, and it makes it hilarious.
- Let Her Cry-Hootie & The Blowfish- I have heard this song live many times and it is the best one that Darius does. So much emotion into it!
- Kill the Messenger-Jack's Mannequin- I love almost every song by them but this one is so great.
- Better Together-Jack Johnson. Stallion from Broadway Pizza told me to listen to one of his albums and I have considered him one of my favorites since then. This song is a song I always turn on when I am having a bad day.
- Banana Pancakes-Jack Johnson. Another song off that album that I love. Such a weird name to a song as well.
- Just Friends-Jason Reeves- I don't know why this is on here. I just used to listen to it a lot and I like the beginning.
- 99 Problems-Jay-Z. Reminds me of Cassidy Barber. She loves singing this song and jamming to it with her. Although so many songs remind me of her :)
- Numb(Encore)-Jay-Z and Linkin Park. One of the best beats in a song ever. I always sing along to this song when it comes on the radio or my Ipod.
- Imagine-John Lennon. Crazy to even think about the things he says in this song. Lennon inspired so many people with his music.
- No Such Thing-John Mayer. My dad and I used to sing this song in his car when he would bring me places. Gotta love songs that remind you of your childhood.
- Letters From Home-John Michael Montgomery- This song gives me the chills EVERY time no matter what. The last verse when he writes to his son.
- Folsom Prison Blues-Johnny Cash. Of all Johnny Cash songs that are amazing, this one tops my list. "I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die" classic line.
- Waking Up In Vegas-Katy Perry. Catchy Tune. So catchy
- Stupid Boy (Long Version).Keith Urban. I don't know why this song makes me so happy, but when I hear the very ending where the song comes back to life always has me jamming along.
- There Goes My Life-Kenny Chesney. Favorite Kenny Chesney song, even though he has a lot!
- Probably Wouldn't Be This Way-LeeAnn Rimes. This song reminds me to always live life to the fullest. I think anyone that has gone what many of us have gone through in the last couple years need songs like that.
- I Hope You Dance-Lee Ann Womack. Amazing singer. This song will now always remind me of Megan Sample as it was played at her wake/funeral. I miss this girl everyday.
- Drop The World-Lil Wayne & Eminem. Anytime I need a pump up song or I am pissed off I play this song just so I can rap to it. Relieves stress if I need it.
- Mr. Mom-Lonestar. Always reminds me of my brother Cody. He used to sing this song in his carseat even though he only knew a few words he would always scream the words he did know.
- I'm Already There-Lonestar. Another one of those songs that give me the chills. Sad songs tend to do that but for some reason this song makes me happy.
- Disease-Matchbox 20. Probably the weirdest music video of all time. Catchy song from a band that I wish was still together.
- Miserable at Best-Mayday Parade. I think at one point in life a lot of people have felt like the guy in this song feels. This song paints such a picture in minds of how people go through breakups.
- Billie Jean/Thriller/The Way You Make Me Feel-Michael Jackson. 3 of the best songs of all time because of who sang them. Sometimes I will put my MJ CD in just because I want to sing along with some of these classic songs. Even with what he did later in his life, he will always be considered one of the best. I was at Broadway Pizza when I found out he passed away. So sad.
- HereGoesNothing-NeverShoutNever! The singer's voice is kind of annoying and I used to hate this song. Reminds me of middle school though, so that is why I think I like it in a way.
- How You Remind Me-Nickelback. How can you not sing along with this song. A lot of people know this song and even though Nickelback isn't the best band, this song is still a childhood memory.
- Smells Like Teen Spirit-Nirvana. How can you not love this song.seriously? Kurt Cobain is awesome, hands down.
- I Don't Wanna Lose Your Love Tonight-The Outfield. The beginning of this song makes it awesome, but the rest of the song is good as well ha.
- That's When I Love You-Phil Vassar. This is another song that reminds me of Cassidy. A song that shows no matter what mood she is in, I will always love her no matter what :)
- I'm Movin On-Rascal Flatts. Sometimes I don't think people in life do this enough. Sometimes the worse is never going to get better so they just need to move on.
- Skin-Rascal Flatts. A song about cancer. A song that is enough to make lots of people cry. When he says "just skin" A lot of times I just stop and Thank God for all I have been given. This song live is also amazing.
- Samson-Regina Spektor. She is such a unique individual and her songs prove that. This song makes a reference to the bible but the piano in this song is what really makes it great.
- Baby Blue Eyes-A Rocket To The Moon. When Cassidy showed me this band I liked almost everyone of their songs because of how much I could relate. Now this song reminds me of her and it reminds us of the beginning of our relationship because we would always jam out to this whole CD.
- Seven English Girls-Ron Pope. Ron is a great singer, and this song used to be on my morning mix. I think I heard it so much that it just stuck and that's why I always listen to it
- The Man Who Can't Be Moved-The Script. A song showing how much a boy loves his girl no matter what. Has to be in my top 25 songs of all time just because it brings me back to the Summer when I used to listen to it obsessively.
- Breakeven-The Script. Another break up song, which you wouldn't think should be on a "greatest songs" blog, but some songs are good because of how well you can relate to them. This is one of those songs.
- My Two Cents-Shane Piasecki. This is one of Alyssa Stringfellow's favorite songs and I immediately loved it when she showed it to me years ago.
- From This Moment On-Shania Twain. Girls who can sing slow songs but then all of a sudden burst into a high note will always have my vote. Plus this whole CD (Come On Over) could make a top 100 chart because so many songs were good on it!
- If It Makes You Happy-Sheryl Crow. Like Shania, Sheryl has a voice that I love to listen to. The song starts off slow and then bursts into the chorus. I love songs like that.
- Konstantine-Something Corporate. Don't mine that it is 9:36 long. Every moment of it is awesome and is my favorite song my them. Worth a listen to anyone who hasn't heard of it.
- The Tide-The Spill Canvas. I've showed this song to many people and I have yet to have someone not like it. It gives me chills, the theme of it is so sad, song of potential abuse, but so much more than that. Top 10 song of all time.
- Make Damn Sure- Taking Back Sunday. This song reminds me of Eau Claire Basketball Camp with the guys because the music video was on everyday followed by Buttons by PCD. Great time spend with a great group of guys.
- I Hate Everything About You-Three Days Grace. One of the few rock songs on the list, but sometimes you just need to let it all out, and this song allows you to do that.
- Big Sur-The Thrills. Tera Kunkel showed me this song, and I thought it was awesome. This over the summer I actually went to Big Sur, California and the town was unlike anything I have experienced before.
- Red Ragtop-Tim McGraw. I could pick almost any song by Tim McGraw and I have a few coming up, but for some reason this song is just a realization that the things you do in your past, don't make up your entire future.
- It's Your Love-Tim McGraw & Faith Hill. Ultimate song of love. Always reminds me of Cassidy Barber. Great song to do a duo to!
- My Best Friend-Tim McGraw. For all of the friends I have had and maybe lost contact with a little bit this song is for you. I try my best to keep in contact with everyone because I never know when anyones time will be to enter Heaven. Live each day to the fullest.
- Last Dance With Mary Jane-Tom Petty. Never mind the song is about weed, the guitar and the singing in this song is great and I love using my air guitar to this song.
- Fast Car-Tracy Chapman. I used to ask my mom if this song was sung by a boy or a girl. Once she told me it finally made sense to me. Great tune.
- Drops of Jupiter-Train. Top 10 songs of all time for sure. I love Train, but this song is one that everyone can sing along to because everyone knows it.
- When I Look To The Sky-Train. To anyone I have lost, again this song reminds me of you. Megan had this song at her funeral and the Train singer does such a great job putting his emotion into the song.
- Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For-U2. Sometimes in life you just don't know what you want. This song explain that sometimes you are looking for something and you just can't find it. It is bound to happen to all of us in life at some point.
- Beautiful Day-U2. This song was my favorite song they played at the concert. I have said that this concert actually did change my life and I strongly believe that. The pouring rain, 60,000 fans all singing in unison. AMAZING.
- One Headlight-The Wallflowers. Another slow song that explodes at the chorus. I just got a new CD with this song on it, and this song always reminds me of vacations with my family.
- Colder Weather-Zac Brown Band. Zac Brown Band is a newer band that has only been around for a few years, but damn are their lyrics powerful. This song (and all of their songs) are songs that you can sing around a campfire while you enjoy company with your closest friends.
- Here Without You- 3 doors down. I believe this is another song about war, at least portrayed by the music video, but you can really use it for any situation. I listened to this a lot freshmen year when I was homesick at school.
- The Kill-30 Seconds to Mars. Freshmen song for me. I used to listen to it all the time when I would shoot hoops. Pump up song, even though that really isn't the purpose of the song.
- What's Going On-4 Non Blondes. A couple weeks ago I asked Ryan Gleason to play a song that everyone in the car would know, and this is what he picked. Overall this song is just a great one for everyone to sing in the car and practice your high notes.
- Bohemian Rhapsody-Queen. I said the last song should be one you sing in the car and then this song should be next on your list. There aren't many people who don't know this song. I call this song 3 songs in one because of how unique different parts of the song are.
- Your Ex-Lover Is Dead-Stars. When I used to be "Superfan" on the dance team, they introduced me to this song. Just reminds me that even when you move on, it doesn't mean that you should forget the good memories you have had in the past.
- Everything I do I do It For You-Brian Adams. Even though I think the Family Guy version is better, this song shows a guy would would do anything for a girl to be happy. Stewie makes the best video out of this song as well!
- American Boy-Estelle & Kanye West. Reminds me of my brother Carter because he would always sing this song. (Estelle's part). I always tried to tape him doing it but he would always catch me so I just started singing along with him. Great catchy tune.
- By The Way-Red Hot Chili Peppers. This song reminds me of looking up to my cousins Ross and Brian and they always were singing this song or looking up tabs to music by Weezer and other bands. Another song to remind me of my childhood.
- Californication-Red Hot Chili Peppers. I honestly think this is the coolest music video of all time. That is why I put it on this list because I just remember watching the video when this song comes up.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Bucket List 1-20
Before I start with this post, I just want to thank the many people who read and gave me feedback on my last post. Although the subject was kinda touchy, It was something that a lot of people said they felt and so everyone just needs to realize they aren't alone. I always ask you to comment on my blog but then realized today that only certain people were allowed to. Now I made it so you can comment right on my blog if you would like. Today I am going to put down some things on my bucket list. Obviously I am going to miss a lot, but I will add to it as I go along. Enjoy
1. Be successful in whatever job I end up having.
2. Skydive
3. Travel across the World (Especially Greece, Italy, and Australia).
4. Have Season Tickets to the Twins or Vikings for one year.
5. Be a wonderful Dad and Husband when the time comes
6. Marry and be happy
7. Read hundreds of books to become smarter and for fun
8. Impact student's lifes if and when I become a teacher.
9. Own a Cabin where I can spend my Summers
10. Shoot under par on 18 holes of Golf
11. Get a hole-in-one
12. Become and stay physically healthy throughout adulthood
13. Make sure my kids grow up the same way.. healthy.
14. Buy a 7 dollar beer at Target Field when I turn 21, just to say I did it.
15. Design a house that I love and will be able to live happily in.
16. Be paid for writing a book or for writing on the internet.
17. Go to Vegas and come back richer than when I left
18. Watch all of my friends get married and being able to celebrate with them
19. Buy a car brand new
20. Visit a place with clear blue water and the whitest sand around.
Obviously there will be a lot more but I thought I would start off with 20 before I started on homework. I got to finish before the Twins game so I can watch them try to beat the Yankees again. See you soon.
1. Be successful in whatever job I end up having.
2. Skydive
3. Travel across the World (Especially Greece, Italy, and Australia).
4. Have Season Tickets to the Twins or Vikings for one year.
5. Be a wonderful Dad and Husband when the time comes
6. Marry and be happy
7. Read hundreds of books to become smarter and for fun
8. Impact student's lifes if and when I become a teacher.
9. Own a Cabin where I can spend my Summers
10. Shoot under par on 18 holes of Golf
11. Get a hole-in-one
12. Become and stay physically healthy throughout adulthood
13. Make sure my kids grow up the same way.. healthy.
14. Buy a 7 dollar beer at Target Field when I turn 21, just to say I did it.
15. Design a house that I love and will be able to live happily in.
16. Be paid for writing a book or for writing on the internet.
17. Go to Vegas and come back richer than when I left
18. Watch all of my friends get married and being able to celebrate with them
19. Buy a car brand new
20. Visit a place with clear blue water and the whitest sand around.
Obviously there will be a lot more but I thought I would start off with 20 before I started on homework. I got to finish before the Twins game so I can watch them try to beat the Yankees again. See you soon.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The End of The Road, or Just the Beginning?
Before any of you read this, I just want to let you all know that my blog is just about me to express my thoughts down on the computer and let the world see. For the most part, my blog has been uplifting and has featured happy topics. This one however will bring about sad moments but keep hope in the eyes of the reader. That is my plan for this post. As you read I hope that at the end you say a prayer for anyone who is going through a loss of someone they love, or someone they might lose in the upcoming days. God works miracles every day.
Great Grandma Rewitzer, Great Grandma Berg, Grandma Rewitzer, Mikayla, Joe, Beau, Markus, Carrie, Cole, Katie, Jamie, Megan, Jordan, Kent, Cheryl, Lauren, Danielle, Luke, Annette, Dustin, Alecia
To some of you these might just be names, but for others these names carry lots of meaning and a lot of memories. Over the past few years Rogers/Saint Michael has dealt with a lot of tragedy that have left people torn, families weeping, and a community mourning their losses. The word cursed is often used when describing the community of Rogers because of how much we have went through and how many people have been lost. I am not going to be the one to say that Rogers isn't "cursed" but I also hate when that term is used because I believe that God has a plan for everyone. We may not understand why these people must leave us, but we have to be willing to realize that they are looking down on us every day and helping the community of Rogers get stronger. I can say that living in Rogers my whole life that it has to be one of the strongest communities around. When a tornado hits, people help others by cleaning up the devastation, rebuilding houses, and offering financial support. When others pass, people bring food to the families, offer services to them, help them in whatever way they can to help the family. In a way I wouldn't say that Rogers is cursed, I would say the opposite. I believe that the loss of all these individuals has brought the people of Rogers/St. Michael closer together. People help each other out whenever they can, and offer support/prayers/money all the time. Rocks are painted, benefits are held, and auctions are set up to that these families who are mourning can know how much support they have behind them.
Death is something that we are all going to experience one day in our lives. On Sunday at Easter Mass, my pastor expressed this to us, and told us that even though we are all going to die someday that we need to celebrate the life we have. 2 months ago we lost Jordan, Megan, Danielle, and Lauren. Some of you lost sisters, girlfriends, co workers, and daughters. Many of us lost close friends and for some of us we lost our bestfriends. I can honestly say that Megan was one of my bestfriends and that she helped me whenever I needed it. She was always wanting to come over and watch movies and hang out with the "Broadway Crew". Losing someone so close puts a pause on life. You instantly have thousands of thoughts go through your head and the memories of these people fly through your mind. You might go to their Facebook Wall and write something. You might call up your friends to tell them the news so that you can cry together. You might call the family to tell them you are going to be home for the next couple days because you need them at your side. For me the first thing I do when I hear of the passing of a loved one is Pray. I don't try to ever push my religious beliefs on anyone, nor will I ever put you down for what you believe in. Praying for the friends and families who have recently lost a loved one helps me to know that I have another angel looking over me and over the Community that we live in. Praying to Megan and my Grandma when I feel down helps me to know that they are still there. Days pass where I believe I could text Megan and she would answer. Deep down I know that isn't going to happen but it still helps me to know that she is still there looking down on all of us along with Jordan, Lauren, and Danielle.
So when people look and ask about the bracelets I wear every day (4 of them, and the 5th when I get a new Markus one) I tell them how I know them, and how they passed away. Some people feel bad, some people admire, and some people wish they never asked. The bracelets for me is a visual reminder that there are Angels in Heaven looking down on me every day and that I am lucky to have known such amazing people in their short time on Earth. I titled this blog post "The End of the Road, or Just the Beginning?" For me the end of your life on Earth is just the end of a chapter. For anyone who lives a good life here will go to Heaven and live eternally with our Lord. This starts the beginning of their new life that lasts way longer than anyone on Earth lives.
For anyone who has lost someone they loved, they know how hard it can be. The tears flow, the hugs come, and the memories are counted. These memories last forever and pretty soon the tears of sorrow become tears of joy, those hugs still remain but they carry different meaning. If I have learned anything about the passing of the individuals listed above I have learned to cherish life. Every day is a new day to tell someone you love them, to help out a friend, to live your life to the fullest so don't waste it, because you never know when God is calling you up to live with him. Tell the ones you love how much you care about them, don't live your life in regret, and don't be afraid to forgive. After all Jesus died on the cross for us, don't you think we should live the life he gave us in happiness?
For anyone who doesn't know yet, Joe Fricke is still in the hospital and their family continues to thank us for our support around the Rogers community. Keep the Fricke's in your prayers as you go on with your day. Thanks for reading. See you soon.
Great Grandma Rewitzer, Great Grandma Berg, Grandma Rewitzer, Mikayla, Joe, Beau, Markus, Carrie, Cole, Katie, Jamie, Megan, Jordan, Kent, Cheryl, Lauren, Danielle, Luke, Annette, Dustin, Alecia
To some of you these might just be names, but for others these names carry lots of meaning and a lot of memories. Over the past few years Rogers/Saint Michael has dealt with a lot of tragedy that have left people torn, families weeping, and a community mourning their losses. The word cursed is often used when describing the community of Rogers because of how much we have went through and how many people have been lost. I am not going to be the one to say that Rogers isn't "cursed" but I also hate when that term is used because I believe that God has a plan for everyone. We may not understand why these people must leave us, but we have to be willing to realize that they are looking down on us every day and helping the community of Rogers get stronger. I can say that living in Rogers my whole life that it has to be one of the strongest communities around. When a tornado hits, people help others by cleaning up the devastation, rebuilding houses, and offering financial support. When others pass, people bring food to the families, offer services to them, help them in whatever way they can to help the family. In a way I wouldn't say that Rogers is cursed, I would say the opposite. I believe that the loss of all these individuals has brought the people of Rogers/St. Michael closer together. People help each other out whenever they can, and offer support/prayers/money all the time. Rocks are painted, benefits are held, and auctions are set up to that these families who are mourning can know how much support they have behind them.
Death is something that we are all going to experience one day in our lives. On Sunday at Easter Mass, my pastor expressed this to us, and told us that even though we are all going to die someday that we need to celebrate the life we have. 2 months ago we lost Jordan, Megan, Danielle, and Lauren. Some of you lost sisters, girlfriends, co workers, and daughters. Many of us lost close friends and for some of us we lost our bestfriends. I can honestly say that Megan was one of my bestfriends and that she helped me whenever I needed it. She was always wanting to come over and watch movies and hang out with the "Broadway Crew". Losing someone so close puts a pause on life. You instantly have thousands of thoughts go through your head and the memories of these people fly through your mind. You might go to their Facebook Wall and write something. You might call up your friends to tell them the news so that you can cry together. You might call the family to tell them you are going to be home for the next couple days because you need them at your side. For me the first thing I do when I hear of the passing of a loved one is Pray. I don't try to ever push my religious beliefs on anyone, nor will I ever put you down for what you believe in. Praying for the friends and families who have recently lost a loved one helps me to know that I have another angel looking over me and over the Community that we live in. Praying to Megan and my Grandma when I feel down helps me to know that they are still there. Days pass where I believe I could text Megan and she would answer. Deep down I know that isn't going to happen but it still helps me to know that she is still there looking down on all of us along with Jordan, Lauren, and Danielle.
So when people look and ask about the bracelets I wear every day (4 of them, and the 5th when I get a new Markus one) I tell them how I know them, and how they passed away. Some people feel bad, some people admire, and some people wish they never asked. The bracelets for me is a visual reminder that there are Angels in Heaven looking down on me every day and that I am lucky to have known such amazing people in their short time on Earth. I titled this blog post "The End of the Road, or Just the Beginning?" For me the end of your life on Earth is just the end of a chapter. For anyone who lives a good life here will go to Heaven and live eternally with our Lord. This starts the beginning of their new life that lasts way longer than anyone on Earth lives.
For anyone who has lost someone they loved, they know how hard it can be. The tears flow, the hugs come, and the memories are counted. These memories last forever and pretty soon the tears of sorrow become tears of joy, those hugs still remain but they carry different meaning. If I have learned anything about the passing of the individuals listed above I have learned to cherish life. Every day is a new day to tell someone you love them, to help out a friend, to live your life to the fullest so don't waste it, because you never know when God is calling you up to live with him. Tell the ones you love how much you care about them, don't live your life in regret, and don't be afraid to forgive. After all Jesus died on the cross for us, don't you think we should live the life he gave us in happiness?
For anyone who doesn't know yet, Joe Fricke is still in the hospital and their family continues to thank us for our support around the Rogers community. Keep the Fricke's in your prayers as you go on with your day. Thanks for reading. See you soon.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Tuesday with a side of Social Media!
Finally I am getting to sit down and write another post after I have wanted to for about a week now. For many high schools and colleges, today or tomorrow is the last day before a long break. Usually breaks are the time to relax and catch up on everything that you haven't been able to do because school always gets in the way of everything. I have been sitting in my dorm room for the last hour, and instead of waiting for the weekend to be productive I decided to start right now. So I put the new Mac Miller mixtape on and thought of some things I could do. Homework? Too Boring. Cleaning? Hell No, I clean enough as it is. So I decided to update myself on some of the "new" social media that is out there. Before today I had a MySpace (deleted it senior year), Facebook (since Junior Year), Twitter (since September) and that was about it. I have an email address (Jhines91@aol.com) that I have had since 2nd grade and so it was time to start something new. I finally got an email that Instagram was available for Android. For any Android users that don't know that, time to go download it, and for those with an Iphone, probably time to look as you probably will be getting more followers in the next couple days. I decided to download it and have been playing around with it. The quality of some of the photos and the effects make the app 5 stars in my book. (Follow me @jhines91). The other social media site I decided to try out today was FourSquare. I have seen friends posting their locations and I always wondered why would you not just post it on Facebook or Twitter. Then I realized that "checking in" to these places can give you details and free things. That is a plus just for being able to use your smart phone. I plan on using my FourSquare account tonight when I go to Buffalo Wild Wings, and see if it works. If you Instagram or FourSquare I would love to know what you think of it or any advice on them that you might have.
In other news this weekend marks the 2 year mark since I started dating Cassidy Barber. It is crazy to think it has been two years already but I will be honest when I say that I have never been happier in my life. I can't wait for many more years to come and to celebrate it this weekend. I know we are going to go see Titanic (her favorite movie) in 3D (I hate 3D) and also going to Benihana. The fried rice with the sauce is the best food on this planet. Can't wait!
Speaking of food, I saw a link on Twitter that showed the new food that Target Field is getting this year. Among them include a cheese filled meatball that they dip in marinara sauce, garlic fries, a baked potato bar, deep fried pickle chips, bacon sloppy joes, buffalo chicken mac and cheese, and Leeann Chin. Yes everyone you can now enjoy a nice entry from Leeann Chin while you watch Minnesota's favorite team. The first home game is next Monday and if I am lucky enough to go I will have to try the buffalo chicken mac and cheese. I usually go with the Ultimate Nachos but these new options seem to good to pass up. I also saw that they were going to bring in a whole bunch of local beers to the stadium. I didn't get too excited about this until I realized that for half the season I will be 21 and will be able to enjoy a beer with the ballgame at the low price of about $7 dollars a beer! Man Target Field has such good deals and they probably make no profit off that 7 dollar beer!
Now that March Madness is over (We don't care who won..) I am looking forward to Friday and the beginning of the Twins season. Being at the ballpark is about the most relaxing feeling in the world when the ballpark is as nice as Target Field is.
For all of you traveling over the long weekend, drive safe and enjoy Easter with your families. Before you go to bed tonight say a prayer for Joe Fricke as he is still in the hospital for a head injury over the weekend. The community of Rogers is behind him and his family 100% and we hope for a full and speedy recovery. Praying for you Fricke family!
In other news this weekend marks the 2 year mark since I started dating Cassidy Barber. It is crazy to think it has been two years already but I will be honest when I say that I have never been happier in my life. I can't wait for many more years to come and to celebrate it this weekend. I know we are going to go see Titanic (her favorite movie) in 3D (I hate 3D) and also going to Benihana. The fried rice with the sauce is the best food on this planet. Can't wait!
Speaking of food, I saw a link on Twitter that showed the new food that Target Field is getting this year. Among them include a cheese filled meatball that they dip in marinara sauce, garlic fries, a baked potato bar, deep fried pickle chips, bacon sloppy joes, buffalo chicken mac and cheese, and Leeann Chin. Yes everyone you can now enjoy a nice entry from Leeann Chin while you watch Minnesota's favorite team. The first home game is next Monday and if I am lucky enough to go I will have to try the buffalo chicken mac and cheese. I usually go with the Ultimate Nachos but these new options seem to good to pass up. I also saw that they were going to bring in a whole bunch of local beers to the stadium. I didn't get too excited about this until I realized that for half the season I will be 21 and will be able to enjoy a beer with the ballgame at the low price of about $7 dollars a beer! Man Target Field has such good deals and they probably make no profit off that 7 dollar beer!
Now that March Madness is over (We don't care who won..) I am looking forward to Friday and the beginning of the Twins season. Being at the ballpark is about the most relaxing feeling in the world when the ballpark is as nice as Target Field is.
For all of you traveling over the long weekend, drive safe and enjoy Easter with your families. Before you go to bed tonight say a prayer for Joe Fricke as he is still in the hospital for a head injury over the weekend. The community of Rogers is behind him and his family 100% and we hope for a full and speedy recovery. Praying for you Fricke family!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Monday's Random Thoughts
Hello Everyone,
I have thought about posting a new blog for a while but I didn't know quite what this should be able. I am currently watching Harry Potter 7 Part 2 with some of the guys at Saint John's and I still don't see how anyone can even consider comparing this movie to The Hunger Games. Now you might ask, but yes I did see the Hunger Games this weekend and no I have not read the books. What did I think of the Hunger Games? I would probably give it an 8.5/10 and that was without reading the book. The effects were awesome and the storyline was so good. I currently have a reading list and Hunger Games is definitely on it. Currently I am reading a book that Cassidy got me called Inside Apple by Adam Lashinsky. It is on Apple and how secretive and admired the company is. It is very good so far and I believe that after this book is done I will read the Hunger Games as well as the last Harry Potter book. Yeah you might think it is weird but for some reason I never finished the 7th book even though the movie is probably one of my all time favorites. We just decided to rank the movies and I would like to hear some of your opinions. Mine go like this.
-HP 7 Part 1 and 2 (Go Together)
- Goblet of Fire
- Half Blood Prince
- Prisoner of Azkaban
- Sorcerer's Stone
- Order of the Phoenix
- Chamber of Secrets
Obviously that is my own opinion but as I have asked other people I believe almost everyone says that the 2nd one is towards the bottom. Leave a comment with your response so I can see what you guys think.
Another thing that I thought of when I woke up this Summer, is why in the hell is it so cold today? We have had such nice weather lately and all of a sudden it actually felt like March today. Hopefully it is warm the rest of the week so that I can go golfing this weekend. I am hopefully going to take Steve Swansen for his birthday and then go to dinner at Maynards to see Jessie Grover, Lexi Ball, Jenn Huber, and others that I haven't seen in a while. Thursday March 29th marks the Birthday of Lexi, Steve, as well as Colton Reed. It is weird that three people who have made such an impact in my life are all born on the same day. I hope I am able to celebrate this weekend with all three of them at some point.
I will close today's post with my Final Four Picks for next weekend. I hate Ohio State so I hope that Kansas beats Ohio State and Louisville over Kentucky. I think the Kentucky team is very talented but I really do not believe in Calipari's system of bringing in Freshmen for one year then sending them to the NBA. Yeah it seems like it is working but it still hasn't won him a championship and I hope he doesn't receive one this year either. Also last night I watched the OKC/Heat game and believe that OKC will win the NBA Championship if they stay healthy. They have such good chemistry, and being a SuperSonics fan growing up it would be nice to see them win one. I hope to hear feedback from you and as always, see you soon friend.
"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." -Phil 4:13
I have thought about posting a new blog for a while but I didn't know quite what this should be able. I am currently watching Harry Potter 7 Part 2 with some of the guys at Saint John's and I still don't see how anyone can even consider comparing this movie to The Hunger Games. Now you might ask, but yes I did see the Hunger Games this weekend and no I have not read the books. What did I think of the Hunger Games? I would probably give it an 8.5/10 and that was without reading the book. The effects were awesome and the storyline was so good. I currently have a reading list and Hunger Games is definitely on it. Currently I am reading a book that Cassidy got me called Inside Apple by Adam Lashinsky. It is on Apple and how secretive and admired the company is. It is very good so far and I believe that after this book is done I will read the Hunger Games as well as the last Harry Potter book. Yeah you might think it is weird but for some reason I never finished the 7th book even though the movie is probably one of my all time favorites. We just decided to rank the movies and I would like to hear some of your opinions. Mine go like this.
-HP 7 Part 1 and 2 (Go Together)
- Goblet of Fire
- Half Blood Prince
- Prisoner of Azkaban
- Sorcerer's Stone
- Order of the Phoenix
- Chamber of Secrets
Obviously that is my own opinion but as I have asked other people I believe almost everyone says that the 2nd one is towards the bottom. Leave a comment with your response so I can see what you guys think.
Another thing that I thought of when I woke up this Summer, is why in the hell is it so cold today? We have had such nice weather lately and all of a sudden it actually felt like March today. Hopefully it is warm the rest of the week so that I can go golfing this weekend. I am hopefully going to take Steve Swansen for his birthday and then go to dinner at Maynards to see Jessie Grover, Lexi Ball, Jenn Huber, and others that I haven't seen in a while. Thursday March 29th marks the Birthday of Lexi, Steve, as well as Colton Reed. It is weird that three people who have made such an impact in my life are all born on the same day. I hope I am able to celebrate this weekend with all three of them at some point.
I will close today's post with my Final Four Picks for next weekend. I hate Ohio State so I hope that Kansas beats Ohio State and Louisville over Kentucky. I think the Kentucky team is very talented but I really do not believe in Calipari's system of bringing in Freshmen for one year then sending them to the NBA. Yeah it seems like it is working but it still hasn't won him a championship and I hope he doesn't receive one this year either. Also last night I watched the OKC/Heat game and believe that OKC will win the NBA Championship if they stay healthy. They have such good chemistry, and being a SuperSonics fan growing up it would be nice to see them win one. I hope to hear feedback from you and as always, see you soon friend.
"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." -Phil 4:13
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
One Month
As many of you know, a month ago today, we lost 4 beautiful women in a car accident. When I received that phone call on Monday Evening I didn't believe what I heard, and in a way I still don't believe it. I still think that I could call you and that you would answer. That you would be able to offer me advice. In the past month I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned to cherish life a lot more. I have prayed to all four of our new angels every single day multiple times. I ask Megan advice still, just in a different way. The way she would invite herself over to my house after work so we could have "Broadway Hangouts." The way she would talk about Nick, you could tell that their love was something special. The way I thought I could tell her anything, and then two minutes later I knew Morgan's phone had a new message with that same secret. The relationship she had with Cassidy was extremely important to me. They would joke around about fashion and style. They would call each other names and smirk at each other because they could never truly be mad at each other. Megan would always call Cass ornery when she thought Cassidy was being a brat and I always laughed (though not always outside). The times spent in my basement with the Broadway Crew were times I will never forget. Whether it was playing scene-it or catch phrase, or just sitting around talking. The last time we all hung out we invited Morgan along with us. I always call those two twins because of how alike I thought they were. We all played pictionary together. We yelled at each other for being terrible drawers and the game lasted way longer than it should have. Steve and I tried to cheat and Megan caught us. We both were scorned at and we got "the look." The last time I talked to you was Friday February 17th. You were coming home and wanted to know when we were going to get together to catch up. I was going out of town to go skiing so I told you I would make it up to you next time you came home. When my time in Heaven comes, I promise I will take you to coffee. Thanks for being such an amazing person and an amazing friend. I will never forget you beautiful angel. See you soon.

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Thoughts From The Weekend!
So this weekend I worked a lot both at Broadway Pizza and Bunker Hills Golf Course in Coon Rapids MN. When you are tooling around a golf course for hours you begin to think a lot about things that you might not have thought about if you were constantly dealing with people. Here I am going to list some of the things that I randomly thought about this weekend.
1. Golfers tell me that I would get a bigger tip if I was a girl. I don't know how I am supposed to react to that. Am I supposed to take it as a compliment?
2. MN has the weirdest weather ever. 2 weeks ago we all had a snow day, and then this weekend we have weather in the 80's. I feel very blessed to have been able to golf today on March 18th.
3. I only have a month and a half left of my sophomore year of school, that is crazy how fast this year has went, I don't feel like I am ready to go out into the real world.
4. All weekend I have thought about what this Summer is going to bring. How much fun it is going to be and how much I am going to hate for it to come to an end. Here is just a few things I can think of off the top of my mind.
1. Golfers tell me that I would get a bigger tip if I was a girl. I don't know how I am supposed to react to that. Am I supposed to take it as a compliment?
2. MN has the weirdest weather ever. 2 weeks ago we all had a snow day, and then this weekend we have weather in the 80's. I feel very blessed to have been able to golf today on March 18th.
3. I only have a month and a half left of my sophomore year of school, that is crazy how fast this year has went, I don't feel like I am ready to go out into the real world.
4. All weekend I have thought about what this Summer is going to bring. How much fun it is going to be and how much I am going to hate for it to come to an end. Here is just a few things I can think of off the top of my mind.
- Summer Classes (Not fun I know, but also meaning catching up in school which means less stress.)
- Going up to my cabin. I only went up there once last year and didn't get to enjoy it. I look forward to getting out on the Jet-Ski, and hanging out with my family more
- Family Vacation to Hawaii?
- Turning 21 (Enough Said)
- Being able to go swimming in my Grandma's pool, which I also call my Summer Home
- Floating Down The River
- Seeing the girl I called my older sister growing up get married. That will be a fun day because it will be a celebration with friends and family all coming together. (And I'll be 21 as well)
- Moving into my house with Sam, Andrew, Dom and Tom in Saint Joseph to start off Junior Year of College.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
First Blog/Getting Started
Here We Go,
But what to Blog about. Do I blog about sports...or my friends...or school....or my girlfriend......or just life in general? I have decided to start blogging because it is a form of social media that I haven't dug deep into yet. Seems like a lot of people like them a lot and since journalism is something I am interested in, this seems like an easy way to tell people about my daily life. Other ways you would be able to figure out this information is if you followed me @Jared_Hines27 on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook. Just some basic information about me. I am 20 years old and my Birthday falls on July 27th, 1991. I will be 21 and not going to lie I am pretty excited about it. I have a wonderful girlfriend named Cassidy who brings out my true self more often than not. I go to school during the week as well as work at an Elementary School helping little kids in reading groups. The job is very rewarding knowing I am helping the future generation. That is why I am currently going to school to be a High School Teacher. I spend my weekends in my hometown of Rogers, where I hang out with my family who I love, and work at a job that I also love. I am a server at Broadway Pizza where I have met some of the most incredible people both as co-workers as well as fellow pizza lovers. I have worked there for almost 5 years and can honestly say I love it. When I am at home I am surrounded by 3 younger brothers as well a Dad who loves me no matter what, and a mom that I can honestly say is my hero. I have never met anyone that has taught me so much as she does on a daily basis. My brothers are 18, 14, and 12 and even though we fight sometimes, they keep me sane. It is currently 12:51 AM on 03-15-12 and the only reason I am up is because March Madness starts tomorrow and my class is cancelled. March Madness to me is the best time of the year in sports. I love every minute of it. My final four is Kansas, Florida St, Duke (Biased), and Missouri. I have Missouri beating Kansas in the National Championship game. My blogs moving forward will have more common themes to them, but I thought I would just let future readers know who I am and a little background on my life. I will never say goodbye, instead I'll just say, see you soon friend.
But what to Blog about. Do I blog about sports...or my friends...or school....or my girlfriend......or just life in general? I have decided to start blogging because it is a form of social media that I haven't dug deep into yet. Seems like a lot of people like them a lot and since journalism is something I am interested in, this seems like an easy way to tell people about my daily life. Other ways you would be able to figure out this information is if you followed me @Jared_Hines27 on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook. Just some basic information about me. I am 20 years old and my Birthday falls on July 27th, 1991. I will be 21 and not going to lie I am pretty excited about it. I have a wonderful girlfriend named Cassidy who brings out my true self more often than not. I go to school during the week as well as work at an Elementary School helping little kids in reading groups. The job is very rewarding knowing I am helping the future generation. That is why I am currently going to school to be a High School Teacher. I spend my weekends in my hometown of Rogers, where I hang out with my family who I love, and work at a job that I also love. I am a server at Broadway Pizza where I have met some of the most incredible people both as co-workers as well as fellow pizza lovers. I have worked there for almost 5 years and can honestly say I love it. When I am at home I am surrounded by 3 younger brothers as well a Dad who loves me no matter what, and a mom that I can honestly say is my hero. I have never met anyone that has taught me so much as she does on a daily basis. My brothers are 18, 14, and 12 and even though we fight sometimes, they keep me sane. It is currently 12:51 AM on 03-15-12 and the only reason I am up is because March Madness starts tomorrow and my class is cancelled. March Madness to me is the best time of the year in sports. I love every minute of it. My final four is Kansas, Florida St, Duke (Biased), and Missouri. I have Missouri beating Kansas in the National Championship game. My blogs moving forward will have more common themes to them, but I thought I would just let future readers know who I am and a little background on my life. I will never say goodbye, instead I'll just say, see you soon friend.
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